The Close Encounters Podcast

His Kind of Angels

Episode Summary

In this episode, Chris speaks with Digger Wordsworth about his encounters with angelic beings and what their message may be for humanity.

Episode Notes

Season 1, episode 4 - His Kind of Angels

In part 1 of this episode:

Chris chooses a small selection of interesting and weird news in, That's What I Call News, covering:

In part 2, we chat to Angel contactee, Digger Wordsworth and his experiences with them and what their message to us could be, and what's included in his book, "My Kind of Angels... evidence of a higher realm"

And finally in part 3,

Finalised information in the run up to the NIUFOS open day on the 11th March 2023, and the upcoming celestial events for the week head, rolling into the new month of March.

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